You may have access to the website through your employer's intranet instead of via FirstMagic's File Manager.

Since FirstMagic uses the FirstClass Server as a back-end, it is designed to be compatible with FCWS, FirstClass GO, and the FirstClass Client. This means you can publish and edit Web Pages with any of these tools, but note that compability goes in one direction only:

FistClass Client > FCWS > FirstMagic Editor

  • A document created in the FirstClass Client automatically works as a Web Page, but editing it must still be done in the FirstClass Client.
  • A document created in FCWS automatically works as a Web Page, but if you edit it in the FirstMagic Editor, you can not edit it in FCWS afterwards.
  • FCWS converts a FirstClass Client document to the FirstMagic format simply by opening and saving it. If you do this, you cannot revert it to the FirstClass Client, but must edit it in FCWS or in the FirstMagic Editor afterwards.
  • Images in documents created in FCWS must be embedded from a public location, since the intranet is inaccessible to the public. FCWS has an Insert Image Button specificially for this purpose. The FirstMagic Editor automatically removes embedded images that are not linked this way.

On the intranet, the website - or the areas of it you have ownership to - looks like a regular container, and should be on your Desktop. To publish a new page, simply author it like you would any document or message, anywhere inside.

  • A Layout is a container - a collection of pages. Different Layout Types presents the pages in different ways.
  • A Page is a document. There are several Document Types, each will present your content in different ways.
  • Both Pages and Layouts can be customized in FCWS, using Tags. See a list of available tags below. In FirstMagic, you do not need tags - the FirstMagic File Manager would take care of assigning Page and Layout Types for you.
Create pages by navigating to the Layout you want the page to appear in, and create either a document or a message there.

When embedding images in your content, always use an Image URL, never use an embed. Embedded images will not work on the public web since they will be stored behind an authentication wall.

The subject field of your document becomes the Web Page Title. If you leave it blank, the filename will be the title - which, if you use a message, would be your own name. It is good practice to always fill in the Subject field.

A note on visibility: FirstMagic uses panes to manage content. To display a container, set it to lower in its Properties Window, or it will be hidden on the website.

FCWS do not have Firstmagic pickers, but you can use tags to assign FirstMagic Layout and Page Types instead. To make a blog, for example, just create a regular container where you want the blog to appear, and write the word "blog" in its category field. Pages and Layouts with no tags will appear as regular Web Pages.


Layout types


Creates a Menu. This is a browsable directory in list view, a Drop-Down in the Menu, and a flat sub-menu In the Sidebar.


Creates a full-sized Blog


Creates a list


A Newspaper-style Blog, showing only the first paragraph of each document.


Will display everything as tiles with previews. Similar to the Gallery, but works with any kind of content.


Sorts your content into tabs.


Makes a WebShop with a Shopping Cart.


Will produce stand-alone websites that can be personalized. Note: project containers belongs in the Portal; they will not work anywhere else.

Page types


To make a Header Sticky [floating a document of top of everything in any Layout] give your document the Sticky tag, and set it's Properties View to Upper.


Will make a context-sensitive Blog Post [it will have a backlink to the Blog it belongs in]. In such pages, images behaves like they do in Image Galleries.


Will make a context-sensitive eBook Page.